Tarjima qoshish uchun havola boyicha o'tib Pull Request oching (havolaga o'tish).
Standart til uchun tarkibni ko'rsatadi.
import { useUnit } from "effector-vue/composition";
Bind Stores to Vue reactivity system or, in the case of Events/Effects - bind to current Scope to use in DOM event handlers.
Designed for Vue 3 and Composition API exclusively.
This API can completely replace the following APIs:
In the future, these APIs can be deprecated and removed.
): Function to pass to event handlers. Will trigger given unit in current scope
Basic Usage
// model.js
import { createEvent, createStore, fork } from "effector";
const incremented = createEvent();
const $count = createStore(0);
$count.on(incremented, (count) => count + 1);
// App.vue
<script setup>
import { useUnit } from "effector-vue/composition";
import { incremented, $count } from "./model.js";
const onClick = useUnit(incremented);
<button @click="onClick">increment</button>
(Store): Store which will be bound to Vue reactivity system
Reactive value of given Store
Basic Usage
// model.js
import { createEvent, createStore, fork } from "effector";
const incremented = createEvent();
const $count = createStore(0);
$count.on(incremented, (count) => count + 1);
// App.vue
<script setup>
import { useUnit } from "effector-vue/composition";
import { $count } from "./model.js";
const count = useUnit($count);
<p>Count: {{ count }}</p>
Object or array of (Events or Effects or Stores): Every unit will be processed byuseUnit
and returned as a reactive value in case of Store or as a function to pass to event handlers in case of Event or Effect.
(Object or Array):
- if Event or Effect: functions with the same names or keys as argument to pass to event handlers. Will trigger given unit in current Scope.
- if Store: reactive value of given Store with the same names or keys as argument.
Basic Usage
// model.js
import { createEvent, createStore, fork } from "effector";
const incremented = createEvent();
const $count = createStore(0);
$count.on(incremented, (count) => count + 1);
// App.vue
<script setup>
import { useUnit } from "effector-vue/composition";
import { $count, incremented } from "./model.js";
const { count, handleClick } = useUnit({ count: $count, handleClick: incremented });
<p>Count: {{ count }}</p>
<button @click="handleClick">increment</button>
Ingliz tilidagi hujjatlar eng dolzarb hisoblanadi, chunki u effector guruhi tomonidan yozilgan va yangilanadi. Hujjatlarni boshqa tillarga tarjima qilish jamiyat tomonidan kuch va istaklar mavjud bo'lganda amalga oshiriladi.
Esda tutingki, tarjima qilingan maqolalar yangilanmasligi mumkin, shuning uchun eng aniq va dolzarb ma'lumot uchun hujjatlarning asl inglizcha versiyasidan foydalanishni tavsiya etamiz.