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Tarjima qoshish uchun havola boyicha o'tib Pull Request oching (havolaga o'tish).

Standart til uchun tarkibni ko'rsatadi.

Effector has special API methods designed to handle debugging and monitoring use cases without giving too much access to the internals of your actual app — Inspect API.

Why a Separate Module?

Inspect API is designed to be disposable. By design, any feature that uses Inspect API can be removed from the production build without any side effects. To emphasize this, Inspect API is not included in the main module. Instead, it’s available in a separate module effector/inspect.


Please refer to Inspect API docs for usage examples.

Tarjima jamiyat tomonidan qollanilyapti

Ingliz tilidagi hujjatlar eng dolzarb hisoblanadi, chunki u effector guruhi tomonidan yozilgan va yangilanadi. Hujjatlarni boshqa tillarga tarjima qilish jamiyat tomonidan kuch va istaklar mavjud bo'lganda amalga oshiriladi.

Esda tutingki, tarjima qilingan maqolalar yangilanmasligi mumkin, shuning uchun eng aniq va dolzarb ma'lumot uchun hujjatlarning asl inglizcha versiyasidan foydalanishni tavsiya etamiz.
