Tarjima qoshish uchun havola boyicha o'tib Pull Request oching (havolaga o'tish).
Standart til uchun tarkibni ko'rsatadi.
Gate is a bridge between props and stores.
Imagine you have the task of transferring something from React props to the effector store. Suppose you pass the history object from the react-router to the store, or pass some callbacks from render-props. In a such situation Gate will help.
import { createStore, createEffect, sample } from "effector";
import { useUnit, createGate } from "effector-react";
// Effect for api request
const getTodoFx = createEffect(async ({ id }) => {
const req = await fetch(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/${id}`);
return req.json();
// Our main store
const $todo = createStore(null);
const TodoGate = createGate();
$todo.on(getTodoFx.doneData, (_, todo) => todo);
// We call getTodoFx effect every time Gate updates its state.
sample({ clock: TodoGate.state, target: getTodoFx });
TodoGate.open.watch(() => {
//called each time when TodoGate is mounted
TodoGate.close.watch(() => {
//called each time when TodoGate is unmounted
function Todo() {
const [todo, loading] = useUnit([$todo, getTodoFx.pending]);
if (loading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (!todo || Object.keys(todo).length === 0) {
return <div>empty</div>;
return (
<p>title: {todo.title}</p>
<p>id: {todo.id}</p>
const App = () => {
// value which need to be accessed outside from react
const [id, setId] = React.useState(0);
return (
<button onClick={() => setId(id + 1)}>Get next Todo</button>
{/*In this situation, we have the ability to simultaneously
render a component and make a request, rather than wait for the component*/}
<TodoGate id={id} />
<Todo />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
Ingliz tilidagi hujjatlar eng dolzarb hisoblanadi, chunki u effector guruhi tomonidan yozilgan va yangilanadi. Hujjatlarni boshqa tillarga tarjima qilish jamiyat tomonidan kuch va istaklar mavjud bo'lganda amalga oshiriladi.
Esda tutingki, tarjima qilingan maqolalar yangilanmasligi mumkin, shuning uchun eng aniq va dolzarb ma'lumot uchun hujjatlarning asl inglizcha versiyasidan foydalanishni tavsiya etamiz.