Scope: Working with Isolated Contexts

Scope is an isolated environment for state management in Effector. Scope allows creating independent copies of the entire application state, which is particularly useful for:

  • 🗄️ Server Side Rendering (SSR)
  • 🧪 Testing components and business logic
  • 🔒 Isolating state for different users/sessions
  • 🚀 Running multiple application instances in parallel

Scope creates a separate “universe” for Effector units, where each store has its independent state, and events and effects work with this state in isolation from other scopes.

Creating a Scope

You can create an application scope using the fork method. Fork API is one of the most powerful features of Effector.

And voila, now the Counter component works with its isolated state - this is exactly what we wanted. Let’s look at other important applications of Scope.

Automatic Scope Propagation

You don’t need to manually track that each operation is performed in the correct scope. Effector does this automatically; just call the event chain with a specific scope using the return value of useUnit in component or allSettled.

Rules for Working with Scope

When working with Scope, it’s important to understand the rules for calling effects and events to avoid context loss. Let’s look at the main usage patterns:

Rules for Effect Calls

  1. Effects can be safely called inside other effects
  2. You can’t mix effect calls with regular async functions
const authFx = createEffect(async () => {
  // Safe - calling an effect inside an effect
  await loginFx();

  // Safe - Promise.all with effects
  await Promise.all([loadProfileFx(), loadSettingsFx()]);

If you don’t follow these rules, it could lead to scope loss!

✅ Better Declaratively!

It’s better to call effects declaratively using the sample method!

Working with Initial State

When creating a scope, it’s often necessary to set initial values for stores. This is especially important for SSR or testing, when you need to prepare a specific application state. You can do this by passing the values property in the first argument of the fork method.

const scope = fork({
  values: [
    [$store, "value"],
    [$user, { id: 1, name: "Alice" }],
What values accepts

The values property accepts an array of pairs with the value [$store, value].

This is especially useful in cases of:

  • Server Side Rendering (SSR) - to hydrate the client with necessary data from the server
  • Testing components with different initial data
  • Saving and restoring application state
State Isolation

Scope creates a separate copy of the state. The original store remains unchanged!

SSR Usage

Scope is a key mechanism for implementing SSR in Effector. Imagine two users visiting your website and both sending requests to get a list of users. Since the store is in the global scope, a race condition would occur here, and whichever request completes faster, BOTH users would receive that data, leading to data leaks between different users.


When serializing scope, stores with the flag {serialize: 'ignore'} are automatically ignored. Use this flag to prevent sensitive data leaks.

When using scope, each request gets its own copy of the state:

// server.tsx
import { renderToString } from "react-dom/server";
import { fork, serialize } from "effector";
import { Provider } from "effector-react";
import { $users, fetchUsersFx } from "./model";

async function serverRender() {
  const scope = fork();

  // Load data on the server
  await allSettled(fetchUsersFx, { scope });

  // Render the application
  const html = renderToString(
    <Provider value={scope}>
      <App />

  // Serialize state for transfer to the client
  const data = serialize(scope);

  return `
		<div id="root">${html}</div>
		<script>window.INITIAL_DATA = ${data}</script>
About allSettled

The allSettled function accepts an event, effect, or scope, and waits for all side effects it spawns to complete. In this example, this ensures that all asynchronous operations complete before state serialization.

In this example we:

  1. Create a scope on the server and run initial data preparation in it
  2. Serialize the scope state
  3. Restore state from serialized data on the client

Thanks to using Scope, we can easily:

  • Prepare initial state on the server
  • Serialize this state
  • Restore state on the client
  • Ensure hydration without losing reactivity
Data Serialization

The serialize method transforms state into serialized form that can be safely transferred from server to client. Only data is serialized, not functions or methods.

Here we’ve shown you a small example of working with SSR. For a more detailed guide on how to set up and work with SSR, you can read here.


Scope is a powerful tool for testing as it allows:

  • Isolating tests from each other
  • Setting initial state for each test
  • Checking state changes after actions
  • Simulating different user scenarios

Example of testing the authorization process:

describe("auth flow", () => {
  it("should login user", async () => {
    // Create isolated scope for test
    const scope = fork();

    // Execute login effect
    await allSettled(loginFx, {
      params: {
        email: "",
        password: "123456",

    // Check state specifically in this scope
      id: 1,
      email: "",

  it("should handle login error", async () => {
    const scope = fork();

    await allSettled(loginFx, {
      params: {
        email: "invalid",
        password: "123",

    expect(scope.getState($error)).toBe("Invalid credentials");

Mocking effects

A similar pattern for initial values can be used for effects to implement mock data. For this, you need to pass handlers in the argument object:

// You can also pass mocks for effects:
const scope = fork({
  handlers: [
    [effectA, async () => "true"],
    [effectB, async () => ({ id: 1, data: "mock" })],

Scope Loss and Binding

When handling asynchronous operations, we might encounter scope “loss”. This happens because asynchronous operations in JavaScript execute in a different event loop cycle, where the execution context is already lost. At the moment of creating an asynchronous operation, the scope exists, but by the time it executes, it’s no longer accessible, as Effector cannot automatically preserve and restore context across asynchronous boundaries. This can happen when using APIs such as:

  • setTimeout/setInterval
  • addEventListener
  • webSocket и др.

How to Fix Scope Loss?

This is where the scopeBind method comes to help. It creates a function bound to the scope in which the method was called, allowing it to be safely called later.

Let’s look at an example where we have two timers on a page and each works independently. Each timer has the following events:

  • Stop timer - timerStopped
  • Start timer - timerStarted
  • Reset timer - timerReset
export const timerStopped = createEvent();
export const timerReset = createEvent();
export const timerStarted = createEvent();

We’ll also have a tick event that our store will subscribe to for updating the counter. To store the result, we’ll create a $timerCount store.

const tick = createEvent();

export const $timerCount = createStore(0)
  .on(tick, (seconds) => seconds + 1)

Don’t forget about clearing the timer; for this, we’ll also need to create a $timerId store to save the intervalId. We also need effects for:

  1. Starting the timer – startFx
  2. Clearing the timer – stopFx
const TIMEOUT = 1_000;

const timerStopped = createEvent();
const timerReset = createEvent();
const timerStarted = createEvent();
const tick = createEvent();

// start timer
const startFx = createEffect(() => {
  const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
    // here's the whole problem
  }, TIMEOUT);

  return intervalId;

// stop and clear timer
const stopFx = createEffect((timerId: number) => {

// timer id
export const $timerId = createStore<null | number>(null)
  .on(startFx.doneData, (_, timerId) => timerId)
  .on(stopFx.finally, () => null);

// start timer logic
  clock: timerStarted,
  filter: $ => !timerId),
  target: startFx,

// stop timer logic
  clock: timerStopped,
  source: $timerId,
  filter: Boolean,
  target: stopFx,

Notice the tick call in setInterval - we’re calling it directly. This is where the whole problem lies, as we mentioned above, by the time tick is called, the scope might have changed or been removed - in other words, “lost”. However, thanks to scopeBind, we bind the tick event to the scope we need.

const startFx = createEffect(() => {
  const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
  }, TIMEOUT);

  return intervalId;
scopeBind without scope?

You may have already noticed that we don’t pass the scope itself to scopeBind; this is because the current scope is in a global variable, and the scopeBind function captures the needed scope in itself at the moment of calling. However, if you need to, you can pass the needed scope in the second argument object.

So altogether we have:

import { createEffect, createEvent, createStore, sample, scopeBind } from "effector";

const TIMEOUT = 1_000;

const timerStopped = createEvent();
const timerReset = createEvent();
const timerStarted = createEvent();
const tick = createEvent();

// start timer
const startFx = createEffect(() => {
  // bind event to scope, so our data doesn't get lost
  const bindedTick = scopeBind(tick);

  const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
  }, TIMEOUT);

  return intervalId;

// stop and clean timer
const stopFx = createEffect((timerId: number) => {

// timer count in seconds
const $timerCount = createStore(0)
  .on(tick, (seconds) => seconds + 1)

// timer id
const $timerId = createStore<null | number>(null)
  .on(startFx.doneData, (_, timerId) => timerId)

// start timer logic
  clock: timerStarted,
  filter: $ => !timerId),
  target: startFx,

// stop timer logic
  clock: timerStopped,
  source: $timerId,
  filter: Boolean,
  target: stopFx,
Scope and frameworks

If you are using effector with integrations like 📘 React, 📗 Vue etc. you can use hook useUnit for units (store, event and effect). This hook automatically binds the unit to the current scope.

Why Does Scope Loss Occur?

Let’s imagine how scope work under the hood:

// out current scope
let scope;

function process() {
  try {
    scope = "effector";
  } finally {
    scope = undefined;
    console.log("scope is undefined");

async function asyncProcess() {
  console.log("here is ok", scope); // effector

  await 1;

  // here we already lost context
  console.log("but here is not ok ", scope); // undefined


// Output:
// here is ok effector
// scope is undefined
// but here is not ok undefined
Consequences of scope loss

Scope loss can lead to:

  • Updates not reaching the correct scope
  • Client receiving inconsistent state
  • Changes not being reflected in the UI
  • Possible data leaks between different users during SSR

You might be wondering “Is this specifically an Effector problem?”, but this is a general principle of working with asynchronicity in JavaScript. All technologies that face the need to preserve the context in which calls occur somehow work around this difficulty. The most characteristic example is zone.js, which wraps all asynchronous global functions like setTimeout or Promise.resolve to preserve context. Other solutions to this problem include using generators or ctx.schedule(() => asyncCall()).

Future solution

JavaScript is preparing a proposal Async Context, which aims to solve the context loss problem at the language level. This will allow:

Automatically preserving context through all asynchronous calls Eliminating the need for explicit use of scopeBind Getting more predictable behavior of asynchronous code

Once this proposal enters the language and receives wide support, Effector will be updated to use this native solution.
