Built-in plugin for babel can be used for ssr and debugging. It inserts a name a Unit, inferred from variable name and sid (Stable IDentifier), computed from the location in the source code.

For example, in case effects without handlers, it improves error messages by clearly showing in which effect error happened.

import { createEffect } from "effector";

const fetchFx = createEffect();


// => no handler used in fetchFx

Try it


In the simplest case, it can be used without any configuration:

// .babelrc
  "plugins": ["effector/babel-plugin"]


Stable hash identifier for events, effects, stores and domains, preserved between environments, to handle client-server interaction within the same codebase.

The crucial value of sid is that it can be autogenerated by effector/babel-plugin with default config, and it will be stable between builds.

Deep dive explanation

If you need the detailed deep-dive explanation about why we need SIDs and how they are used internally, you can find it by following this link

See example project

// common.js
import { createEffect } from "effector";

export const getUser = createEffect({ sid: "GET /user" });
// => GET /user
// worker.js
import { getUsers } from "./common.js";

getUsers.use((userID) => fetch(userID));

getUsers.done.watch(({ result }) => {
  postMessage({ sid: getUsers.sid, result });

onmessage = async ({ data }) => {
  if (data.sid !== getUsers.sid) return;
// client.js
import { createEvent } from "effector";
import { getUsers } from "./common.js";

const onMessage = createEvent();

const worker = new Worker("worker.js");
worker.onmessage = onMessage;

  (userID) =>
    new Promise((rs) => {
      worker.postMessage({ sid: getUsers.sid, userID });
      const unwatch = onMessage.watch(({ data }) => {
        if (data.sid !== getUsers.sid) return;



Enable Hot Module Replacement (HMR) support to clean up links, subscriptions and side effects managed by Effector. This prevents double-firing of Effects and watchers.


Although tested, this option is considered experimental and might have unexpected issues in different bundlers.


    "hmr": "es"
  • Type: "es" | "cjs" | "none"
    • "es": Use import.meta.hot HMR API in bundlers that are ESM-compliant, like Vite and Rollup
    • "cjs": Use module.hot HMR API in bundlers that rely on CommonJS modules, like Webpack and Next.js
    • "none": Disable Hot Module Replacement.
  • Default: none
In Production

When bundling for production, make sure to set the hmr option to "none" to reduce bundle size and improve runtime performance.


Adds forceScope to all hooks from effector-react. This prevents mistakes when events called in non-scoped environment.


    "forceScope": true
  • Type: boolean
    • true: Adds { forceScope: true } to hooks like useUnit
    • false: Do nothing
  • Default: false


Specifying import name or names to process by plugin. Import should be used in the code as specified.


    "importName": ["effector"]
  • Type: string | string[]
  • Default: ['effector', 'effector/compat']


Accepts an array of module names which exports treat as custom factories, therefore, each function call provides a unique prefix for sids of units inside them. Used to SSR(Server Side Rendering) and it’s not required for client-only application.


    "factories": ["path/here"]
  • Type: string[]
  • Factories can have any number of arguments.
  • Factories can create any number of units.
  • Factories can call any effector methods.
  • Factories can call other factories from other modules.
  • Modules with factories can export any number of functions.
  • Factories should be compiled with effector/babel-plugin as well as code which use them.


// .babelrc
  "plugins": [
        "factories": ["src/createEffectStatus", "~/createCommonPending"]
// ./src/createEffectStatus.js
import { rootDomain } from "./rootDomain";

export function createEffectStatus(fx) {
  const $status = rootDomain.createStore("init").on(fx.finally, (_, { status }) => status);

  return $status;
// ./src/statuses.js
import { createEffectStatus } from "./createEffectStatus";
import { fetchUserFx, fetchFriendsFx } from "./api";

export const $fetchUserStatus = createEffectStatus(fetchUserFx);
export const $fetchFriendsStatus = createEffectStatus(fetchFriendsFx);

Import createEffectStatus from './createEffectStatus' was treated as factory function, so each store created by it has its own sid and will be handled by serialize independently, although without factories they will share the same sid.


Replaces imports from effector-react to effector-react/scope. Useful for building both server-side and client-side builds from the same codebase.


Since effector 23.0.0 the core team recommends deleting this option from babel-plugin configuration because effector-react supports SSR by default.


    "reactSsr": false
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false


Adds name to units factories call. Useful for minification and obfuscation of production builds.


    "addNames": true
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true


Adds location to methods’ calls. Used by devtools, for example effector-logger.


    "addLoc": false
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false


Adds a file path and variable name of a unit definition to a sid. Useful for debugging SSR.


    "debugSids": false
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false


Option for effector/babel-plugin for making custom unit factories with clean configuration.


    "noDefaults": false
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false


// .babelrc
  "plugins": [
    ["effector/babel-plugin", { "addLoc": true }],
        "importName": "@lib/createInputField",
        "storeCreators": ["createInputField"],
        "noDefaults": true
// @lib/createInputField.js
import { createStore } from "effector";
import { resetForm } from "./form";

export function createInputField(defaultState, { sid, name }) {
  return createStore(defaultState, { sid, name }).reset(resetForm);
// src/state.js
import { createInputField } from "@lib/createInputField";

const foo = createInputField("-");

will be treated as store creator and compiled to

const foo = createInputField('-', {
  name: 'foo',
  sid: 'z&si65'


Usage with Bundlers

Vite + React (SSR)

To use with effector/babel-plugin, you have to following next steps:

  1. Install @vitejs/plugin-react package.
  2. vite.config.js should be follows:

Note: effector/babel-plugin is not a package, it is bundled with effector

// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      babel: {
        plugins: ["effector/babel-plugin"],
        // Use .babelrc files
        babelrc: true,
        // Use babel.config.js files
        configFile: true,