import {} from "effector-solid/scope";

Since effector 23.0.0 the core team recommends using the main module of effector-solid instead.

Provides all exports from effector-solid, but enforces the application to use Scope for all components.


You can use this module in the same way as effector-solid, but it will require passing Scope to Provider component.

// main.js
import { fork } from "effector";
import { Provider } from "effector-solid/scope";
import { render } from "solid-js/web";

const scope = fork();

  <Provider value={scope}>
    <Application />


Since effector-solid/scope is deprecated, it is recommended to migrate to effector-solid by removing scope from the import path.

+ import { Provider } from "effector-solid";
- import { Provider } from "effector-solid/scope";
Continued migration

effector-solid and effector-solid/scope do not share any code, so you have to migrate all your code to effector-solid at the same time, because otherwise, you will get runtime errors. These errors will occur because effector-solid and effector-solid/scope will use different instances of Provider and do not have access to each other’s Provider.

Scope enforcement

All modern hooks of effector-solid are designed to work with Scope. If you want to imitate the behavior of the effector-solid/scope module, you can pass a second parameter to hooks with an option forceScope: true. In this case, the hook will throw an error if the Scope is not passed to Provider.

- import { useUnit } from 'effector-solid/scope'
+ import { useUnit } from 'effector-solid'

function MyComponent() {
-  const { test } = useUnit({ text: $text })
+  const { test } = useUnit({ text: $text }, { forceScope: true })

  return <p>{text}</p>