import { createStore, type Store, type StoreWritable } from "effector";



Method for creating a store.


createStore<T>(defaultState: T): StoreWritable<T>


  1. defaultState (State): Default state


unit call from pure function is not supported, use operators like sample instead

Since: effector 23.0.0

Occurs when events or effects are called from pure functions, like updateFilter:

const someHappened = createEvent<number>();
const $counter = createStore(0, {
  updateFilter(a, b) {
    someHappened(a); // THROWS!
    return a < b;

To resolve this, use sample:

const someHappened = createEvent<number>();
const $counter = createStore(0, {
  updateFilter(a, b) {
    return a < b;

  clock: $counter,
  target: someHappened,


Store: New store



import { createEvent, createStore } from "effector";

const addTodo = createEvent();
const clearTodoList = createEvent();

const $todos = createStore([])
  // Will update store when addTodo is fired
  .on(addTodo, (list, todo) => [...list, todo])
  // Will reset store to default state when clearTodos is fired

// Create mapped store
const $selectedTodos = $ => {
  return todos.filter((todo) => todo.selected);

// Log initial store value and each change
$ => {
  console.log("todos", todos);
// => todos []

addTodo("go shopping");
// => todos ['go shopping']

addTodo("go to the gym");
// => todos ['go shopping', 'go to the gym']

// => todos []

Try it

createStore(defaultState, config)

Method for creating a store but with configuration.


createStore<T, SerializedState extends Json = Json>(defaultState: T, config: {
  name?: string
  updateFilter?: (update: T, current: T) => boolean
  skipVoid?: boolean
  serialize?: 'ignore' | {
          write: (state: State) => SerializedState
          read: (json: SerializedState) => State
}): StoreWritable<T>


  1. defaultState (State): Default state
  2. config (Object): Optional configuration
    • name (String): Name for the store. Babel plugin can set it from the variable name, if not passed explicitly in config.
    • updateFilter (Function): Function that prevents store from updating when it returns false. Accepts updated state as the first argument and current state as the second argument. Redundant for most cases since store already ensures that update is not undefined and not equal (!==) to current state (since effector 21.8.0)
    • serialize: 'ignore': Option to disable store serialization when serialize is called (since effector 22.0.0)
    • serialize (Object): Configuration object to handle store state serialization in custom way. write โ€“ called on serialize, transforms value to JSON value โ€“ primitive type or plain object/array. read โ€“ parse store state from JSON value, called on fork, if provided values is the result of serialize call.
    • domain: (Domain): Domain to attach store to after creation.
    • skipVoid: (boolean): Flag to control how specifically store should handle undefined value (since effector 23.0.0). If set to false - store will use undefined as a value. If set to true (deprecated), store will interpret undefined as a โ€œskip updateโ€ command and will do nothing.


The same behaviour like for regular createStore(defaultState).


Store: New store


With updateFilter

import { createEvent, createStore, sample } from "effector";

const punch = createEvent();
const veryStrongHit = createEvent();

const $lastPunchStrength = createStore(0, {
  // If store should be updated with strength less than 400 kg
  // update will be skipped
  updateFilter: (strength) => strength >= 400,

$lastPunchStrength.on(punch, (_, strength) => strength);

// Each store update should trigger event `veryStrongHit`
sample({ clock: $lastPunchStrength, target: veryStrongHit });

// Watch on store prints initial state
$ => console.log("Strength: %skg", strength));
// => Strength: 0kg => {
  console.log("Wooow! It was very strong! %skg", strength);

punch(200); // updateFilter prevented update
punch(300); // Same here, store doesn't update, value remains `0`
punch(500); // Yeeah! updateFilter allows store update
// => Strength: 500kg
// => Wooow! It was very strong! 500kg
punch(100); // No update as well

Try it

With serialize: ignore

import { createEvent, createStore, serialize, fork, allSettled } from "effector";

const readPackage = createEvent();

const $name = createStore("");
const $version = createStore(0, { serialize: "ignore" });

$name.on(readPackage, (_, { name }) => name);
$version.on(readPackage, (_, { version }) => version);

// Watchers always called for scoped changes
$ => console.log("name '%s'", name));
$ => console.log("version %s", version));
// => name ''
// => version 0

// Please, note, `fork()` call doesn't trigger watches
// In the opposit of `hydrate()` call
const scope = fork();

// By default serialize saves value only for the changed stores
// Review `onlyChanges` option
const values = serialize(scope);
// => {}

// Let's change our stores
await allSettled(readPackage, {
  params: { name: "effector", version: 22 },
// => name 'effector'
// => version 22

const actualValues = serialize(scope);
// => {n74m6b: "effector"}
// `$version` store has `serialize: ignore`, so it's not included

Try it

Custom serialize configuration

import { createEvent, createStore, serialize, fork, allSettled } from "effector";

const saveDate = createEvent();
const $date = createStore<null | Date>(null, {
  // Date object is automatically serialized to ISO date string by JSON.stringify
  // but it is not parsed to Date object by JSON.parse
  // which will lead to a mismatch during server side rendering
  // Custom `serialize` config solves this issue
  serialize: {
    write: (dateOrNull) => (dateOrNull ? dateOrNull.toISOString() : dateOrNull),
    read: (isoStringOrNull) => (isoStringOrNull ? new Date(isoStringOrNull) : isoStringOrNull),
}).on(saveDate, (_, p) => p);

const serverScope = fork();

await allSettled(saveDate, { scope: serverScope, params: new Date() });

const serverValues = serialize(serverScope);
// `serialize.write` of `$date` store is called

// => { nq1e2rb: "2022-11-05T15:38:53.108Z" }
// Date object saved as ISO string

const clientScope = fork({ values: serverValues });
// `` of `$date` store is called

const currentValue = clientScope.getState($date);
// => Date 11/5/2022, 10:40:13 PM
// ISO date string is parsed back to Date object

Try it
