Bu sahifa hali tarjima qilinmagan

Tarjima qoshish uchun havola boyicha o'tib Pull Request oching (havolaga o'tish).

Standart til uchun tarkibni ko'rsatadi.

import { type Effect } from "effector";

Effect is a container for async function or any throwing function.

It can be safely used in place of the original async function.



Provides a function, which will be called when the effect is triggered.


  • Set handler fn for effect
  • If effect already had an implementation at the time of the call, it will be replaced by a new one

Hint: current handler can be extracted with effect.use.getCurrent().

You must provide a handler either through .use method or handler property in createEffect, otherwise effect will throw with no handler used in _%effect name%_ error when effect will be called.


  1. handler (Function): Function, that receives the first argument passed to an effect call.


(Effect): The same effect


import {createEffect} from 'effector';

const fetchUserReposFx = createEffect();

fetchUserReposFx.use(async (params) => {
  console.log("fetchUserReposFx called with", params);

  const url = `https://api.github.com/users/${params.name}/repos`;
  const req = await fetch(url);
  return req.json();

fetchUserReposFx({ name: "zerobias" });
// => fetchUserRepos called with {name: 'zerobias'}

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Returns current handler of effect. Useful for testing.


fn = effect.use.getCurrent();
  • Returns current handler fn for effect
  • If no handler was assigned to effect, default handler will be returned (that throws an error)

Hint: to set a new handler use effect.use(handler)


(Function): Current handler, defined by handler property or via .use call.


import {createEffect} from 'effector';

const handlerA = () => "A";
const handlerB = () => "B";

const fx = createEffect(handlerA);

console.log(fx.use.getCurrent() === handlerA);
// => true

console.log(fx.use.getCurrent() === handlerB);
// => true

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Subscribe to effect calls.


const unwatch = effect.watch(watcher);
  • Call watcher on each effect call, pass payload of effect as argument to watcher
  • When unwatch is called, stop calling watcher


  1. watcher (Watcher): A function that receives payload.


Subscription: Unsubscribe function.


import { createEffect } from "effector";

const fx = createEffect((params) => params);

fx.watch((params) => {
  console.log("effect called with value", params);

await fx(10);
// => effect called with value 10

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Creates an event, upon trigger it sends transformed data into the source effect. Works kind of like reverse .map. In case of .prepend data transforms before the original effect occurs and in the case of .map, data transforms after original effect occurred.


const event = effect.prepend(fn);
  • When event is triggered, call fn with payload from event, then trigger effect with the result of fn()
  • event will have EventCallable<T> type, so can be used as target in methods like sample()


  1. fn (Function): A function that receives payload, should be pure.


EventCallable: New event


Creates a new event, which will be called after the original effect is called, applying the result of a fn as a payload. It is a special function which allows you to decompose dataflow, extract or transform data.


const second = first.map(fn);
  • When first is triggered, pass payload from first to fn
  • Trigger second with the result of the fn() call as payload
  • second event will have Event<T> type, so it CAN NOT be used as target in methods like sample()


  1. fn (Function): A function that receives payload, should be pure.


Event: New event.


import { createEffect } from "effector";

const userUpdate = createEffect(({ name, role }) => {
  console.log(name, role);
const userNameUpdated = userUpdate.map(({ name }) => name); // you may decompose dataflow with .map() method
const userRoleUpdated = userUpdate.map(({ role }) => role.toUpperCase()); // either way you can transform data

userNameUpdated.watch((name) => console.log(`User's name is [${name}] now`));
userRoleUpdated.watch((role) => console.log(`User's role is [${role}] now`));

await userUpdate({ name: "john", role: "admin" });
// => User's name is [john] now
// => User's role is [ADMIN] now
// => john admin

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You are not supposed to use parts of effect (like .done and .pending) as a target in sample (even though they are events and stores), since effect is a complete entity on its own. This behavior will not be supported.

In the examples below constant effect has this signature:

effect: Effect<Params, Done, Fail>;

.done Event

Event, which is triggered when handler is resolved.


Do not manually call this event. It is an event that depends on effect.


effect.done: Event<{ params: Params; result: Done }>;


Event triggered with an object of params and result:

  1. params (Params): An argument passed to the effect call
  2. result (Done): A result of the resolved handler


import { createEffect } from "effector";

const fx = createEffect((value) => value + 1);

fx.done.watch(({ params, result }) => {
  console.log("Call with params", params, "resolved with value", result);

await fx(2);
// => Call with params 2 resolved with value 3

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.doneData Event

Event, which is triggered by the result of the effect execution.


Do not manually call this event. It is an event that depends on the effect.


effect.doneData: Event<Done>;
  • doneData is an event, that triggered when effect is successfully resolved with result from .done

Event triggered when handler is resolved.


import { createEffect } from "effector";

const fx = createEffect((value) => value + 1);

fx.doneData.watch((result) => {
  console.log(`Effect was successfully resolved, returning ${result}`);

await fx(2);
// => Effect was successfully resolved, returning 3

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.fail Event

Event, which is triggered when handler is rejected or throws error.


Do not manually call this event. It is an event that depends on effect.


effect.fail: Event<{ params: Params; error: Fail }>;


Event triggered with an object of params and error:

  1. params (Params): An argument passed to effect call
  2. error (Fail): An error caught from the handler


import { createEffect } from "effector";

const fx = createEffect(async (value) => {
  throw Error(value - 1);

fx.fail.watch(({ params, error }) => {
  console.log("Call with params", params, "rejected with error", error.message);

// => Call with params 2 rejected with error 1

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.failData Event

Event, which is triggered with error thrown by the effect.


Do not manually call this event. It is an event that depends on effect.


effect.failData: Event<Fail>;
  • failData is an event, that triggered when effect is rejected with error from .fail

Event triggered when handler is rejected or throws error.


import { createEffect } from "effector";

const fx = createEffect(async (value) => {
  throw Error(value - 1);

fx.failData.watch((error) => {
  console.log(`Execution failed with error ${error.message}`);

// => Execution failed with error 1

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.finally Event

Event, which is triggered when handler is resolved, rejected or throws error.


Do not manually call this event. It is an event that depends on effect.


type Success = { status: 'done'; params: Params; result: Done }
type Failure = { status: 'fail'; params: Params; error: Fail }

effect.finally: Event<Success | Failure>;


Event, which is triggered with an object of status, params and error or result:

  1. status (string): A status of effect (done or fail)
  2. params (Params): An argument passed to effect call
  3. error (Fail): An error caught from the handler
  4. result (Done): A result of the resolved handler


import { createEffect } from "effector";

const fetchApiFx = createEffect(async ({ time, ok }) => {
  await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
  if (ok) return `${time} ms`;
  throw Error(`${time} ms`);

fetchApiFx.finally.watch((value) => {
  switch (value.status) {
    case "done":
      console.log("Call with params", value.params, "resolved with value", value.result);
    case "fail":
      console.log("Call with params", value.params, "rejected with error", value.error.message);

await fetchApiFx({ time: 100, ok: true });
// => Call with params {time: 100, ok: true}
//    resolved with value 100 ms

fetchApiFx({ time: 100, ok: false });
// => Call with params {time: 100, ok: false}
//    rejected with error 100 ms

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.pending Store

Store contains true when effect is called but not resolved yet. Useful to show loaders.


Do not modify store value! It is derived store and should be in predictable state.


effect.pending: Store<boolean>;
  • Store will update when done or fail are triggered
  • Store contains true value until the effect is resolved or rejected


DerivedStore: Store that represents current state of the effect


import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { createEffect } from "effector";
import { useUnit } from "effector-react";

const fetchApiFx = createEffect((ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)));


const Loading = () => {
  const loading = useUnit(fetchApiFx.pending);

  return <div>{loading ? "Loading..." : "Load complete"}</div>;

ReactDOM.render(<Loading />, document.getElementById("root"));


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Itโ€™s property is a shorthand for common use case:

import { createEffect, createStore } from "effector";

const fetchApiFx = createEffect();

// now you can use fetchApiFx.pending instead
const $isLoading = createStore(false)
  .on(fetchApiFx, () => true)
  .on(fetchApiFx.done, () => false)
  .on(fetchApiFx.fail, () => false);

.inFlight Store

Shows how many effect calls arenโ€™t settled yet. Useful for rate limiting.


Do not modify store value! It is derived store and should be in predictable state.


effect.inFlight: Store<number>;
  • The store will be 0 if no calls of effect in pending state, its default state
  • On each call of effect state in the store will be increased
  • When effect resolves to any state(done or fail) state in the store will be decreased


DerivedStore: Store that represents count of the running effects


import { createEffect } from "effector";

const fx = createEffect(() => new Promise((rs) => setTimeout(rs, 500)));

fx.inFlight.watch((amount) => {
  console.log("in-flight requests:", amount);
// => 0

const req1 = fx();
// => 1

const req2 = fx();
// => 2

await Promise.all([req1, req2]);

// => 1
// => 0

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import { type EffectParams, type EffectResult, type EffectError } from "effector";


Allows to extract type of Params from effect.

const effect: Effect<Params, Done, Fail>;
type Params = EffectParams<typeof effect>;


Allows to extract type of result from effect.

const effect: Effect<Params, Done, Fail>;
type Done = EffectResult<typeof effect>;


Allows to extract type of error from effect.

const effect: Effect<Params, Done, Fail>;
type Fail = EffectError<typeof effect>;
Tarjima jamiyat tomonidan qollanilyapti

Ingliz tilidagi hujjatlar eng dolzarb hisoblanadi, chunki u effector guruhi tomonidan yozilgan va yangilanadi. Hujjatlarni boshqa tillarga tarjima qilish jamiyat tomonidan kuch va istaklar mavjud bo'lganda amalga oshiriladi.

Esda tutingki, tarjima qilingan maqolalar yangilanmasligi mumkin, shuning uchun eng aniq va dolzarb ma'lumot uchun hujjatlarning asl inglizcha versiyasidan foydalanishni tavsiya etamiz.
