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Отображается содержимое для языка по умолчанию.

Gate is a hook for conditional rendering, based on the current value (or values) in props. It can solve problems such as compiling all required data when a component mounts, or showing an alternative component if there is insufficient data in props. Gate is also useful for routing or animations, similar to ReactTransitionGroup.

This enables the creation of a feedback loop by sending props back to a Store.

Gate can be integrated via the useGate hook or as a component with props. Gate stores and events function as standard units within an application.

Gate has two potential states:

  • Opened, indicating the component is mounted.
  • Closed, indicating the component is unmounted.

Example of using Gate as a component:

<Gate history={history} />


.state Store


Do not modify the state value! It is a derived store and should remain in a predictable state.

Store<Props>: DerivedStore containing the current state of the gate. This state derives from the second argument of useGate and from props when rendering the gate as a component.


import {createGate, useGate} from 'effector-react';

const Gate = createGate();

Gate.state.watch((state) => console.info("gate state updated", state));

function App() {
  useGate(Gate, { props: "yep" });
  return <div>Example</div>;

ReactDOM.render(<App />, root);
// => gate state updated { props: "yep" }

.open Event


Do not manually invoke this event. It is an event that is triggered based on the gate’s state.

Event: Event fired upon gate mounting.

.close Event


Do not manually invoke this event. It is an event that is triggered based on the gate’s state.

Event: Event fired upon gate unmounting.

.status Store


Do not modify the status value! It is a derived store and should remain in a predictable state.

Store: Boolean DerivedStore indicating whether the gate is mounted.


import {createGate, useGate} from 'effector-react';

const Gate = createGate();

Gate.status.watch((opened) => console.info("is Gate opened?", opened));
// => is Gate opened? false

function App() {
  return <div>Example</div>;

ReactDOM.render(<App />, root);
// => is Gate opened? true
Перевод поддерживается сообществом

Документация на английском языке - самая актуальная, поскольку её пишет и обновляет команда effector. Перевод документации на другие языки осуществляется сообществом по мере наличия сил и желания.

Помните, что переведенные статьи могут быть неактуальными, поэтому для получения наиболее точной и актуальной информации рекомендуем использовать оригинальную англоязычную версию документации.
