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Gate is a bridge between props and stores.
Imagine you have the task of transferring something from React props to the effector store. Suppose you pass the history object from the react-router to the store, or pass some callbacks from render-props. In a such situation Gate will help.
import { createStore, createEffect, sample } from "effector";
import { useUnit, createGate } from "effector-react";
// Effect for api request
const getTodoFx = createEffect(async ({ id }) => {
const req = await fetch(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/${id}`);
return req.json();
// Our main store
const $todo = createStore(null);
const TodoGate = createGate();
$todo.on(getTodoFx.doneData, (_, todo) => todo);
// We call getTodoFx effect every time Gate updates its state.
sample({ clock: TodoGate.state, target: getTodoFx });
TodoGate.open.watch(() => {
//called each time when TodoGate is mounted
TodoGate.close.watch(() => {
//called each time when TodoGate is unmounted
function Todo() {
const [todo, loading] = useUnit([$todo, getTodoFx.pending]);
if (loading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (!todo || Object.keys(todo).length === 0) {
return <div>empty</div>;
return (
<p>title: {todo.title}</p>
<p>id: {todo.id}</p>
const App = () => {
// value which need to be accessed outside from react
const [id, setId] = React.useState(0);
return (
<button onClick={() => setId(id + 1)}>Get next Todo</button>
{/*In this situation, we have the ability to simultaneously
render a component and make a request, rather than wait for the component*/}
<TodoGate id={id} />
<Todo />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
Документация на английском языке - самая актуальная, поскольку её пишет и обновляет команда effector. Перевод документации на другие языки осуществляется сообществом по мере наличия сил и желания.
Помните, что переведенные статьи могут быть неактуальными, поэтому для получения наиболее точной и актуальной информации рекомендуем использовать оригинальную англоязычную версию документации.