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Отображается содержимое для языка по умолчанию.

Gate is a hook for conditional rendering, based on current value (or values) in props. An example of a problem that Gate can solve – you can put together all required data, when component was mounted.

This allows you to send props back to Store to create feedback loop.

Gate can be used via useGate hook. Gate stores and events can be used in the application as regular units

Gate can have two states:

  • Open, which means mounted
  • Closed, which means unmounted

Gate Properties



Do not modify state value! It is derived store and should be in predictable state.

Store<Props>: DerivedStore with current state of the given gate. The state comes from the second argument of useGate and from props when rendering gate as a component.



Do not manually call this event. It is an event that depends on a Gate state.

Event: Event which will be called during gate mounting



Do not manually call this event. It is an event that depends on a Gate state.

Event: Event which will be called during a gate unmounting.



Do not modify status value! It is derived store and should be in predictable state.

Store<boolean>: Boolean DerivedStore, which show if given gate is mounted.

Перевод поддерживается сообществом

Документация на английском языке - самая актуальная, поскольку её пишет и обновляет команда effector. Перевод документации на другие языки осуществляется сообществом по мере наличия сил и желания.

Помните, что переведенные статьи могут быть неактуальными, поэтому для получения наиболее точной и актуальной информации рекомендуем использовать оригинальную англоязычную версию документации.
