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A slot is a place in a component where you can insert any unknown component. It’s a well-known abstraction used by frameworks such as Vue.js and Svelte.
Slots aren’t present in the React. With React, you can achieve this goal using props or React.Context
In large projects, this is not convenient, because it generates “props hell” or smears the logic.
Using React with effector, we can achieve slot goals without the problems described above.
import { createApi, createStore, createEvent, sample, split } from "effector";
import { useStoreMap } from "effector-react";
import React from "react";
import type { ReactElement, PropsWithChildren } from "react";
type Component<S> = (props: PropsWithChildren<S>) => ReactElement | null;
type Store<S> = {
readonly component: Component<S>;
function createSlotFactory<Id>({ slots }: { readonly slots: Record<string, Id> }) {
const api = {
remove: createEvent<{ readonly id: Id }>(),
set: createEvent<{ readonly id: Id; readonly component: Component<any> }>(),
function createSlot<P>({ id }: { readonly id: Id }) {
const defaultToStore: Store<P> = {
component: () => null,
const $slot = createStore<Store<P>>(defaultToStore);
const slotApi = createApi($slot, {
remove: (state) => ({ ...state, component: defaultToStore.component }),
set: (state, payload: Component<P>) => ({ ...state, component: payload }),
const isSlotEventCalling = (payload: { readonly id: Id }) => payload.id === id;
clock: api.remove,
filter: isSlotEventCalling,
target: slotApi.remove,
clock: api.set,
filter: isSlotEventCalling,
fn: ({ component }) => component,
target: slotApi.set,
function Slot(props: P = {} as P) {
const Component = useStoreMap({
store: $slot,
fn: ({ component }) => component,
keys: [],
return <Component {...props} />;
return {
return {
const SLOTS = { FOO: "foo" } as const;
const { api, createSlot } = createSlotFactory({ slots: SLOTS });
const { Slot: FooSlot } = createSlot({ id: SLOTS.FOO });
const ComponentWithSlot = () => (
<h1>Hello, Slots!</h1>
<FooSlot />
const updateFeatures = createEvent<string>("");
const $featureToggle = createStore<string>("");
const MyAwesomeFeature = () => <p>Look at my horse</p>;
const VeryAwesomeFeature = () => <p>My horse is amaizing</p>;
$featureToggle.on(updateFeatures, (_, feature) => feature);
source: $featureToggle,
match: {
awesome: (data) => data === "awesome",
veryAwesome: (data) => data === "veryAwesome",
hideAll: (data) => data === "hideAll",
cases: {
awesome: api.set.prepend(() => ({
component: MyAwesomeFeature,
veryAwesome: api.set.prepend(() => ({
component: VeryAwesomeFeature,
hideAll: api.remove.prepend(() => ({ id: SLOTS.FOO })),
// updateFeatures('awesome'); // render MyAwesomeFeature in slot
// updateFeatures('veryAwesome'); // render VeryAwesomeFeature in slot
// updateFeatures('hideAll'); // render nothing in slot
Документация на английском языке - самая актуальная, поскольку её пишет и обновляет команда effector. Перевод документации на другие языки осуществляется сообществом по мере наличия сил и желания.
Помните, что переведенные статьи могут быть неактуальными, поэтому для получения наиболее точной и актуальной информации рекомендуем использовать оригинальную англоязычную версию документации.